Thursday, 2 January 2014

Ahmadiyah, is it Islam? (Hasrul)

Ahmadiyah is a religious movement which was built by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. It is widespread in several countries in Asia. Ahmadiyah is becoming a phenomenon nowadays. But, this paper is going to argue whether Ahmadiyah is a part of Islam or a deviance from Islamic teaching.

Ahmadiyah is a part of Islam.  A lot of evidence are supporting it. Such as, they do say A syhadu anlaailaaha illallah, Wa asyhadu anna Muhammadarrasuullah Rasulullah has been admitted by them as the last messenger of God. Al-quran is trusted as the holy book by follower of Ahmadiyah. Those are evidences which are able to encourage Ahmadiyah become a part of Islam.
On the other hand, Ahm
adiyah appeared in India aim to uphold and encourage Islam back to Qurani’ah Syariat because regarding to the history of Ahmadiyah there were some cases that happened in india. One of them, India was marked by retreating of Islam. It because of the influences of Christian in 1804 as missionaries, especially when British and foreign Bible society was formed, and the Hindu’s movement was more and more vicious in influencing their beliefs to the society of India as a pure land of Hindu. Therefore, Mirza&Hulam Ahmad attempted Ahmadiyah as a weapon to defend the existence of islam in India.
However, some ulama have stated that ahmadiyah is a deviance from Islamic teaching. That is why it must be ignored among the society. It is proven by banning the Ahmadiyah follower from going to Mecca to do hajj. Because they think that doing hajj is only for rich man and it is not an obligation. Besides that, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad decelerated his self as Zilli prophet (shadow) and Ummati (as a Rasulullah’s follower). Whereas, in the holy Quran Allah commands us that Muhammad is the last messenger or prophet. In 1981, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad also proclaimed his self as a represeqtative of Isa Almasih and Imam Mahdi as well (jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia 1989, page xii). Both are people who have been trusted to come in the last period.
In conclusion, although followers of Ahmadiyah have proclaimed their selves as a part of Islam, but it is against by some ulama because it is a deviance from Islamic teaching. Therefore it needs to be anticipated by society. 

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