Thursday, 5 September 2013

United States’ Military Intervention in Syria’s Civil War (Sardjito Ibnuqoyyim)

As far as we can see, the intervention of U.S tries to help Syria by giving a help to the rebels due to the military malice to society. U.S affords to stop the bloodshed done by the government led by Bashar Al Ashad. In the same way, by giving them a help would enlarge the chaos in not only Syria but also, it will take effects in other countries.
It is clear that the scene in Syria will take our attention, with a lot people die, and dying to protect their country. Then, U.S comes to offer a hand to those people. They send their own weapon to the rebels in a hope to stop this tragedy. We do agree that a war never stops the chaos but we cannot also agree that the diploma can take a good role to make a peace. What U.S trying is not making this conflict worse but they know what to do for them which this conflict will not circulate to the other countries.
However, we also know that U.S is a superpower country which might be called as “the king of the kings”. A king always does everything it takes for their own sake. Syria is also known as “The Lion of The Arab”. So, this country has a really big important role in the Middle East Countries. Would the extremists like Hizbullah in Lebanon stay silent to see this happen? Perhaps, the other extremists will not think exactly same. It will motivate them to commit the war not making any peace.

A survey done by, August 30, 2013, showed us that 60% the people of U.S refuse the intervention of the U.S military in Syria. And also, UN does not agree because this action will provoke the other countries to involve in this conflict. Meanwhile, some Middle East Countries such as Iran and Lebanon well-known as allies for Syria will never remain silent to see the bombarding in Syria.
Above all, it can be concluded that the potential of word war 3 will appear from the conflict of Syria with the consideration that U.S military’s intervention will never bring any peace in Syria. Otherwise, this conflict not only about a civil war but this involves some interests of other countries.

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