Prostitution is an act
of providing sexual service in exchange of money (or other beneficial payment)
between two or more people. Prostitution sometimes referred to as “world’s
oldest profession”, nevertheless the legalization of prostitution itself is
different from one county to another. Some countries prefer to illegalized and
criminalized prostitution while others may varies from decriminalized to regulated
(legalized) prostitution. Until now ongoing pro-contra debates and opinions
regarding legal prostitution are still spread wide across countries as they
include human rights, personal choice liberation, moral degradation, human
trafficking, poverty, law enforcement, violent/rape cases, religion and
HIV/AIDS into the equation.
People who favor the
legal-prostitution argue that the benefits come from legalizing prostitution
are enough to protect the society in general and the persons actively involve
in the act itself in particular. Regulated prostitution will provide law
protection for the sex-worker and legitimate prostitution as a decent work
along with the benefits that come from it; it will reduce the act of violence
from the clients or the pimps, because the female sex-worker can report the
abuse without being charged as a criminal for selling sex herself. It will also
reduce the number of HIV/AIDS transmission because the sex-worker is finally
granted regular health checks as a mandatory requirement for the profession.
Economically, it will also benefit the sex-worker because they can earn their
income legally and pay the tax which will also benefit the government. This pro
legal-prostitution stated that it’s ridiculous to keep prostitution as illegal
while the demand of sex service increasing each day, it will only lead to
illegal human-trafficking. While human-traffic is wrong because it’s a coercion
act, prostitution is seen as a decision between two consenting adults; it’s a
human right for people to choose what they want to do with their bodies.
the contrary, people who support the decision to keep the prostitution as
illegal argue that prostitution needs to stay illegal because the
destructiveness of prostitution outweighs its benefits (if any). Prostitution
devalues all of our moral standards and thus legalizing it will mean
legitimizing the idea of some women as commodities to be exploited. And grant
implicit approval to a dangerous and immoral practice in society. Sex-workers
are often forced into the industry by sex-trade, pimps or poverty, so it’s
indicating some underlying problems within the society. Instead of legalizing
prostitution as a legitimate work, we should provide adequate education for
everyone to ensure them options to a better work than being sex-workers.
Religion also hold strong opposes to the legal-prostitution as it’s a sinful
act for selling sex when it should have held sacred within marriage, it’s not a
legacy we would pass down to our children. It’s also wrong for the government
to gain economically from legal-prostitution since it’s no better than
encouraging government to involve in other unlawful trades such as the
trafficking of drugs. Moreover, legalizing prostitution will increase demand
which will increase the rate of human-trafficking to meet the demand and will
eventually endanger our society health as it’ll increase the probability of
HIV/AIDS transmission
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