Saturday, 21 September 2013

Should Burqa or Niqab be Banned? (Sulaiman)

Muslim women have an obligation to cover their aurat. They usually wear veil to cover their face. It reflects them as a Muslim woman. Nowadays, there are many trends of veil but few Muslim women still use traditional Niqab or Burqa (Full-Faced veil). It is commonly worn in many Muslim countries especially in the Saudi Arabian peninsula. Wearing Niqab or Burqa is a choice, made by individual Muslim on a personal basis. In Holy Quran in Surat AI-Ahzab verse 59:

“O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful

            This surah describe to women that how important cover their aurat; it is their obligation in Islam. Muslim woman who wear veil also must maintain their good behavior so that can reflect a good Muslimah. There many cases or issues that ban wearing the traditional Niqab, especially in UK. If Muslim woman as a witnesses or defendants, they must remove their Niqab when she gives evidence in front of the trial, but she may wears it other times during the trial. Only the judge, legal counsel, and jury will be able to see their face when she gives evidence. On the other hand, many people complaint with Judge’s ruling to remove Muslim woman Niqab in the trial, It reflects discrimination and they don’t give women rights in religion as set out by article 9 (Freedom of thought, conscience and religion) of the European convention on human rights. Discrimination over wearing veil also had happened in some countries, like France which prohibits all children from wearing religious symbols such as Muslim headscarves in schools

As a humane being we must respect each other, we need mutual understanding. Muslim women have a same rights like other people, they should get their freedom to manifest their religion in daily life.

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