Saturday, 14 September 2013


The human body is one of the most modern and most complex machines that God has ever created. Inside human body, there is an amazing protection mechanism called the immune system. It is designed to defend human against millions of bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins, and parasites that would invade human body.
Common people still think that health is identical with “doctor and drug”. Drug is still being a miraculous capsule that can cure everything. This condition was aggravated by drugs advertising that given excessive information. The founder of modern homoeopathy - Dr. Samuel Hahnemann said “Treating the symptoms of the diseases by drugs like shooting the bullet in the dark room”. Do you know that our body always tries to communicate with us? Feeling of thirsty, hungry, sleepy, dizzy, tired, fever and soon are the ways of body to convey its intention to us. The body always gives a signal for us, but unfortunately, we pretend that it was negative signal that must be cured by various drugs.
Body signal should get responds as fast as possible with a right method. Sometimes, when we got headache, the best way to respond is search what cause it. Don’t just take a shortcut way like consuming some drugs. Headache because of hypertension will have a different solution with headache because of glucose decrease. Generally, headache is an impact from other diseases. Almost 75% headaches are caused by digestive problem.

To Sum up, the author want to persuade you to be a doctor for yourself. With the sign from your body, we are expected to pay more attention to body’s right. Give the right for your body to get a better quality of health. If our communication with our body is good, it is easier to prevent disease. 

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