Saturday, 6 July 2013


Separatism movement is the advocacy of a state of cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, governmental, or gender separation from the larger group. While it often refers to full political secession, separatist groups may seek nothing more than greater autonomy. That is the definition that quoted by Wikipedia. Especially in Indonesia there is some separatism groups such as OPM (Liberation of West Papua), GAM (Liberation of Aceh), and RSM (South Maluku Republic) that still struggle to segregate their districts from NKRI (The Unitary State of Indonesia).
It has been said that Papua, Maluku and Aceh have been colonized by Indonesia since Netherland left. They are very rich districts but unfortunately, Indonesia as the large country can’t manage the districts fairly. In Papua for example it is very Rich Island with its natural resources, beautiful panorama, and unique cultures but they are still static as if they stay in primitive era. Some of Papuan thinkers stated that government focus for Jakarta and java only, government seems treat Papua like a stepchild because the development doesn’t appear at Papua at all. GAM itself wanted to segregate because of ideological problem, moral value and also the historical survive. In 24th May 1977 GAM had been established by Hassan Asleh, Jamil Amin, Zainal Abidin, Hassan tiro and the others. They were dissatisfied with the government that never let them to regulate “Syariat Islam”. RMS wasn’t better than others because they wanted to be independent but never come true.
Indonesia never let the separatists be independent because of many reasons. In the very first time when the revolution happened and the liberty was proclaimed “Indonesia is from Sabang until Merauke” were justified for all of the nationalists, revolutionists and international world whether “dejure and defacto”. So Government committed to defend the Unitary State of Indonesia not only in territory but also in ideology, namely “Pancasila”. It’s quite clear that Indonesia has the right to fight against every separatism movement in the nationality.

As parts of Indonesia republic, separatism problem should be solved by the government as fast and good as possible. Because it is very danger, there are many victims such as anuies and society who were died because of some killings and tragedies. Government should understand what they want and then threat them properly as long as it doesn’t damage Indonesia. So far Government has taken the military and diplomatic way to solve it but the result is far from the 1nissio OPM, GAM, RMS still exist so maybe the solving problem doesn’t touch the root grass of it.

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