Thursday 18 July 2013

ARE YOU READY TO DIE? (Sabah Laitupa)

What if tomorrow you will die? Are you ready? Death is undoubted, nobody can escape from it. Everyone wants to live longer. As Chairil Anwar said that “I want to live a thousand year”. Everyone tries to avoid all of ways to die. Our soul will always want and imagine eternity.

Will Durant, a contemporary philosopher of America, who confirmed that death is the origin of all religions. “If only there is no death, God will never exist in our mind” he wrote in his writing The Story of Civilization.

There are two opposite views about life. There are pessimistic view and optimistic view. Pessimists view that life is something hard, sad, and difficult and ends with death which means extinction. While optimists judge life as homage and responsibility that can end up with happiness and immutability acquired through death. Philosopher Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860) said that sleepy is comfortable but dead is more comfortable.

If we realize that one day we will die certainly, the question is “What happen after death?”. How far the theory can explain about death?

Because we never know when the death comes, then use your life that given by Almighty God wisely. “Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that’s why we call it present.”

Enjoy Your Life..”,)

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