Tuesday, 25 June 2013


“Beauty” is an identical word to a girl. Of course, girl is a beautiful creature of God. But, what is the definition of beauty? Beauty is when someone not only has elegant face, but also has good attitude and behavior. Inner beauty sparkled to outside by elegance, softness and loveliness. That is the real beauty. But most of girls think that beauty is like an actress who has ladder feet, slim body, white skin, long hair etc. most of girls think that beauty is only identical with physical appearance, not from the characteristic. By these reasons, most of girls do anything to look beautiful in front of many people. They do many treatments; from traditional ones until high quality of technology.
One of the popular way is by conducting plastic surgery. Plastic surgery or jirahatajmil in Arabic is surgical operation which is done for repairing and beatifying a part in body, either the seen ones or the unseen parts of the body. By adding or removing some features hopping to repair the body function and aesthetics
Plastic surgery is very delighted because of some reasons. They are:
I. Plastic surgery is deemed able to help the girls to have a perfect and permanent body.
2. Plastic surgery is deemed as good way to hide the physical deficiency. Such us pug, fat or chubby.
In country like Korea there are 20.000 girls who did plastic surgery procedure and this number always increasing l0-l5% per year. This increasing is caused by appearance rivalry among girls. Especially in entertainment field. They think that by having a perfect face, it’s easy for them to get job, success and a perfect spouse.
Try to be beautiful is not false for all the women in the world. Even in Islam, Allah SWT suggests that either by jewelry or fragrance, as long as it doesn’t exceed what is natural. However extreme way to be beautiful by plastic surgery is very dangerous for health and there is no guarantee that the result of plastic surgery will look perfectly. It can cause health disorder such us tissue infarction because less of oxygen, lived because of blooding, nerve damage until death. There are many failures of plastic surgery. For example: women 29 years old. Lindsey Easman from England did plastic surgery by injecting implant into her breast hopping to get perfect breast. But after 4 years the implant smashed and caused death.
Beauty doesn’t mean we must change what God has given us. The beauty of women is not look from her physic, but from her heart. So make your heart beautiful and it will spark to your physical beauty.

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