Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Source: Merdeka.com

Indonesia television industry spawned a number of preachers (penceramah) who publicly known as celebrity preachers. Armed with knowledge of its religion, the preachers preach on screen with the characteristics and style of each. Occasionally, these celebrity preachers act like a celebrity who often covered by infotainment. Even, Gossips about their personal life were often hunted by infotainment workers. Affairs and lifestyle issues like a celebrity as their familiar hits. To gain the Sympathy of the public, they often use jokes and humor in his talk, It sometimes leads to core mission should which should have been delivered cannot be comprehended by the public.
Unlike the ‘village’ preachers who just paid with baskets or sometimes just gratitude, ustad celebrities actually get paid millions of rupiah. So how do the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) concern to the phenomenon of celebrity preachers? “Their preaching less wears and educates the public. For instance, their style and theme which sometimes are no contents or just kidding, it’s not going to improve the morals of society, the appearance and the words used are also too vulgar,” said chairman of the MUI, Ma’ruf Amin to merdeka.com Friday (3/8).
According to him, based on evaluations that have been conducted by MU! found that their propaganda methods need to be improved. Therefore, the preaching which is delivered will affect the people. Based on that finding, MUI has set up a training program to celebrity preachers, “We will hold training to preachers who frequently appeared on television in order to bring improvements, so it’s not just as an entertainment but also have the education,” he said.
On the other hand, most of the people precisely prefer the “preaching style” of the preacher who always shown on TV. Their preaching style is simple, understandable, and also they are physically good looking. They look like artist with lots of fans in which their presence is waited for. However, it should be bear in mind, people go to mosque/masjid to listen a preaching, not to look at the preacher in person.
In conclusion, the writer would like to quote a hadits of Rasulullah SAW, “at the end of the world, there will be a group of people who look for wealth by religion. They show simplicity and look so humble in front of many people. Their words is sweeter than sugar, but their heart is like a fox (they do love wealth and power)”. (HR: Tirmidzj). We do hope the preachers today show the real preaching to build Islam and improved the moral of this country, not to look for popularity and wealth. Wassalam.

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