Muslims believe that their religion is the best one due to its applicable in any place and circumstance but most of them leave their religion consciously or non-consciously. It is easy to prove this claim by looking at Muslims understanding about their religion. This paper will talk about the reason why Muslims do not understand well about their religion including the writer himself, then it will show the perfectness of Islam compared to others.
There are many reasons why Muslims do not have a good understanding about their religion but this paper chooses two reasons as the basis of our discussion. Firstly it is because the role of ustadz is not maximal. In my opinion, ustadz (preacher) or adzaastis (preachers) in plural form do not play their main role to teach ordinary Muslims about the religion. This is because they do not have a good knowledge. We have been listening to speech (ceramah) for years but we have not got a proper understanding about Islam. Every year in Ramadan month, Muslims female and male listen to preach and every week men listen to preach in mosque on Jumat prayer. But we still have no comprehensive understanding; the problem does not belong to us but to the ustadz. They always deliver speech with the same topic and even worse some of ustadz do not have a good understanding they just talk about religion but the have no knowledge.
The next reason why we do not have a comprehensible understanding is on ourselves. It may be true that ustadz deliver the same topic and we realize it but we do not search the Islamic knowledge. Furthermore, I believe that all of us know well the hadist seeking knowledge is an obligatory to each Muslim. The first knowledge which has to be searched by Muslims is the edge of their religion then other knowledge. Therefore as Muslims all of us have to learn a lot about our religion because it is an obligation.
Lastly, I would like to ensure everyone including myself that Islam has everything we need. The only problem is that our search has not found it yet. To take an example the knowledge about rhetoric, in hadist the Prophet says “Khotibunnasaalaqadriuqulihim” which means talk to people based on the level of their intellectual, another example about traveling outer space Allah taala Says in Surah Ar-rahman” You (mankind) cannot pass through the space but with power”. Many more examples that can be seen but unfortunately many Muslims leave their religion and try find knowledge from west which is sometimes reverse with Islamic teaching. For example, teaching children should not use the words “do not” but in holy qur’an Allah taala says “say to your children do not find God other than Allah because it is an immense sin”. I personally choose to educate children with the words “ do not” not because it is only from Quran teaching but also according to my readings word “do not” is needed for serious problems because without this words children will be spoiled ones.
To sum up, there are two causes of Muslims of lack of knowledge. Firstly, it is because many ustadz deliver speech with poor knowledge of Islam. Secondly it is because we ourselves do not look for Islamic knowledge as much as possible which is what we supposed to do. Finally the paper show the perfectness of Islamic knowledge which should make Muslims learn more about their religion because all things that they need have been provided in Islam.
There are many reasons why Muslims do not have a good understanding about their religion but this paper chooses two reasons as the basis of our discussion. Firstly it is because the role of ustadz is not maximal. In my opinion, ustadz (preacher) or adzaastis (preachers) in plural form do not play their main role to teach ordinary Muslims about the religion. This is because they do not have a good knowledge. We have been listening to speech (ceramah) for years but we have not got a proper understanding about Islam. Every year in Ramadan month, Muslims female and male listen to preach and every week men listen to preach in mosque on Jumat prayer. But we still have no comprehensive understanding; the problem does not belong to us but to the ustadz. They always deliver speech with the same topic and even worse some of ustadz do not have a good understanding they just talk about religion but the have no knowledge.
The next reason why we do not have a comprehensible understanding is on ourselves. It may be true that ustadz deliver the same topic and we realize it but we do not search the Islamic knowledge. Furthermore, I believe that all of us know well the hadist seeking knowledge is an obligatory to each Muslim. The first knowledge which has to be searched by Muslims is the edge of their religion then other knowledge. Therefore as Muslims all of us have to learn a lot about our religion because it is an obligation.
Lastly, I would like to ensure everyone including myself that Islam has everything we need. The only problem is that our search has not found it yet. To take an example the knowledge about rhetoric, in hadist the Prophet says “Khotibunnasaalaqadriuqulihim” which means talk to people based on the level of their intellectual, another example about traveling outer space Allah taala Says in Surah Ar-rahman” You (mankind) cannot pass through the space but with power”. Many more examples that can be seen but unfortunately many Muslims leave their religion and try find knowledge from west which is sometimes reverse with Islamic teaching. For example, teaching children should not use the words “do not” but in holy qur’an Allah taala says “say to your children do not find God other than Allah because it is an immense sin”. I personally choose to educate children with the words “ do not” not because it is only from Quran teaching but also according to my readings word “do not” is needed for serious problems because without this words children will be spoiled ones.
To sum up, there are two causes of Muslims of lack of knowledge. Firstly, it is because many ustadz deliver speech with poor knowledge of Islam. Secondly it is because we ourselves do not look for Islamic knowledge as much as possible which is what we supposed to do. Finally the paper show the perfectness of Islamic knowledge which should make Muslims learn more about their religion because all things that they need have been provided in Islam.
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