Friday 8 September 2017

Presented on Tuesday, 05 September 2017
Character of Internet and Book in Gaining an Information
(Author: @MarwanUpi)

In a development of technology, the internet has changed human’s life style in getting knowledge. A long time ago, plenty of people used a book to gain much information, but the function of the book as a source of knowledge gradually lead to extinction after the internet was invented. Although the internet has been familiar with human’s daily activities, many people still use the book in collecting information. In this paper, I will explain characters of internet and book for a reader in gaining information.
There are several reasons why people have to be careful to read information on the internet. With much information which is shared on the internet, many people tend to be lazy to analyze deeply all news. Moreover, they do not select information carefully. They just read and share it without using critical thinking. For example, by using social media in responding political issues, users of social media just look for what information accordance with their political preference even though they do not comprehend completely about its information. For example, in Indonesia nowadays or Jokowi reign, Jokowi’s supporters just read and share information about positive activities done by Jokowi without thinking that these actions are not fake news, and Jokowi’s haters do the contrary activities.  At the same time, research conducted by James Old, a Professor at George Mason University, describes that people reading information on social media will be prone to be influenced by information and have emotional character.
However, a book has advantages for people in gaining knowledge. Firstly, by reading the book, readers will get complex information about a topic as authors write it on many pages based on scientific methods so the possibility of getting hoax is less. They collect and analyze data deeply before providing it in the book. Secondly, in healthy view, reading the book will not take a risk for eyes because of less radiation than reading on the internet by using a computer and smart phone.  Finally, having books will give satisfaction for those which have a hobby in collecting books and consider them as part of an interior of house decorations.
In conclusion, although the internet has been a familiar phenomenon in this century, the book is still considered by many people as a unique source to get much knowledge. While development of digital technology is increasing drastically, the book cannot go to extinction.
√Extinction                    (N) = Kepunahan                          √Accordance with      (N) = Sesuai dengan 

√Comprehend                (V) = Memahami                           √Reign                          (N) = Pemerintahan

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