In 2015, scientists estimated that the total population
of orangutans on the island of Borneo, both in Indonesia and Malaysia there are
approximately 54 thousand individuals. Among the three sub-species of the
Borneo orangutan, Pp pygmaeus is a sub-species leastand endangered. Threat for
all sub-species of Bornean orangutans are an endangered species and is fully
protected by Indonesian law. This species classified by CITES on Appendix I
(species that are prohibited for international commercial trade because it is
very vulnerable to the extinction). Some of the main threats faced by
the Borneo orangutans are losing habitat, illegal
logging, forest fires, poaching and trade of orangutans to be the pet. In the
last decade, there are at least 1.2 million ha of forests in Indonesia used for
the activities of large-scale logging, illegal logging and forest conversion
for agriculture, plantation, mining, and settlements. Forest fires caused by
climate change such as El Nino and a prolonged dry spell
also result in reducing population of orangutans. Over the last 20
years, Borneo orangutans habitat reduced by at least about 55%.
habitat and destruction and
fragmentation is by far the greatest threat to orangutans. Huge tracts of
forest have been cleared throughout the their range, through legal and
illegal logging and forest conversion for oil palm plantations and other agriculture. Fires related to these activities also pose a serious
threat to both orangutans and their habitat.
Today, more than 50% of orangutans are found outside of protected areas, in forests under management by timber, palm oil and mining companies.
To sum up the
government should be care of about the
preservation of mammals such as Orangutans. Because the population level
decreases day by day so that said
phase is almost extinct. Moreover, Sumatra and Kalimantan are one of the
orang-utan habitat. When they are not there it will be happened evolution and considered extinct
forever. Therefore the need for a more severe punishment and in followed up in legal
proceedings according to the law in
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