Sunday 30 November 2014

Children and Gadget by Mahaputra Nanto

Do you ever see or find a child who can play gadgets when reading by him or herself alone is not fluently? It is confirmed that the child was not the only one in the world, most of them certainly is not the only children with a similar toxicity in Indonesia.  Though not necessarily a positive impact, Children and gadgets it has become the norm.
Children today are very familiar with the gadgets. I know that this is not entirely justified. I also still agree with the opinion that the child should spend their free time playing outside the home with peers, or run around until exhausted or play bike. But in reality, many of those who spend their time playing video games or watching Youtube in gadgets.
Children who struggle with a lot of gadgets in excess can have negative things like potential eye pain, lack of movement, resulting in obesity, until it difficult to absorb the lessons at school.
Not that using the gadget to no avail. Skilled Children in using gadgets will keep up with technology. Children can also learn English because English dominates the gadget. In addition, a number of studies also have shown that those who play the game have a better focus and can do many things (multitasking) at once.
Charge an error to the parents who gave the gadget (at least given permission to use the gadget) also does not solve the problem. The problem is the gadget is getting attached to everyday life, not to mention the life of a child
Parents should be able to determine what content is worth (or should) be consumed by children in order to support the development of children according to age. Not just block access to adult sites and applications, parents are also able to balance that with the introduction of a ban on websites or applications educative and entertaining.


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