Tazawur (Arab) or
visiting one another is a practical way to do silaturrahim. and in accordance with the Islamic
culture. Because with the tazáwur we’ll get
some virtue, while also strengthening ties and brotherhood with those we visit. Rasulullah
saw. said:
You will not
enter paradise except you are believers, and you will not become believers
until you love one another, should not I show you a job if you
do then you will love one another? Spread respect and greetings among you. (H.R.
Muslim, Tirmidzl, and lbnu MAjah).
One of the characteristics of
a Muslim is when they meet each other,
they will give the greeting phrase. However, why the system of Islamic culture
seems largely forgotten by some Muslims themselves? Some have tried to change
the greeting sentences with other sentences outside the guidelines of Islam, so
that the meaning of this greeting is lost.
Or the importance of
handshake, such as in a hadith narrated by al-Barrâ’ ra that the Prophet saw said:
Two Muslims meet and handshake, surely their
sins forgiven before they separately. (H.R. Abü Dâud, TirmidzI, and Ibnu Mâjah).
Handshake meant in Islam as
taught by the Prophet saw. Actually there are many virtues of relationship,
being what was mentioned above is just a picture alone. Thus it is clear, that silaturrahim and visit each other are very useful and important.
However, we still often see many of us who feel
reluctant, even some of us don’t want to visit others. They prefer to stay at
home, like the Ka’bah which always being visited by a lot of people, but never
visit other people. More than that, some even feel ashame
to visit their neighbor, family or relative’s house that was once home of
his/her teacher. This attitude is unfortunate, especially if it is owned by a
leader who becomes role models, or educators that may be emulated by their students.
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