Thursday, 19 December 2013


A country which has a variety of natural resource, religion, culture, and also race, a country which has a long history, it has a defend their sovereignty by using bamboo as tool to fight the colonizer. Did you know it? Absolutely, it is our beloved country Indonesia. It is not just famous because of its natural resources, but also admired by other countries because of its complex society.
Although Indonesia has a complex society, it has one principle “BhinekaTunggal Ika”, although we are different but we keep our unity. But recently, Indonesia has experienced many problems and common cases about misunderstanding among tribes. Like in Kalimantan, there was a fight between the native race of Kalimantan and Batak. So as the author, I’ll try to show the role of culture in solving or minimizing the misunderstanding among tribes.
Culture comes from Sanskerta language “buddhayah, which is the plural form of buddhi (budi atau akal) it means “a thing with relating character and mind(wikipedia:2013), whereas according to Kihajar Dewantara, culture is a result from human buffetings toward two strong side-effect; period and nature which constitute evidence of human’s victory to overcome all challenge and hardness in their life. It has aim to safety and welfare come into being characteristic both discipline and peaceful. So based on the explanation above, it is known that the role of culture on people’s lives is great.
Because all human being require orderliness and peace, so culture is regarded as crucial thing. As well as the old philosophy “sirri’na pacce” in Bugis-Makassar society that content behavior, shame and morality and If sirri‘na pacce is not possessed by a person, then that person can exceed the animal‘s behavior, because it does not have a sense of shame and social concern. They also just want to win themselves and indulge their lusts. The term sirri ‘na pacce as a cultural value system is very abstract and difficult to be defined as sirri‘na pacce can only be perceived by adherents of that culture. For the Bugis - Makassar, siri‘ na pacce teach morality of decency in the form recommended, restrictions, rights and obligations that dominates human action to maintain and defend their selves and their honor. Sirrina pacce is a shame that decomposes the dimensions of human dignity as “something’s taboofor the Bugis-Makassar in interacting with others. Meanwhile, ”pacce teach a sense of solidarity and social care, unselfishly group is one of the concepts that make the Bugis-Makassar able to survive and respected when they leave their hometown,”pacce” is a compassionate nature, feeling the burden and suffering of others.
To sum up, we know that culture is able to solve the problem because it has a strong power to do that, if it really obeyed by its owner. Everything that our country has been facing; corruption, nepotism, and colution, etc by culture role, it will be reduced.

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