Friday 8 September 2017

Presented on Tuesday, 05 September 2017
Character of Internet and Book in Gaining an Information
(Author: @MarwanUpi)

In a development of technology, the internet has changed human’s life style in getting knowledge. A long time ago, plenty of people used a book to gain much information, but the function of the book as a source of knowledge gradually lead to extinction after the internet was invented. Although the internet has been familiar with human’s daily activities, many people still use the book in collecting information. In this paper, I will explain characters of internet and book for a reader in gaining information.
There are several reasons why people have to be careful to read information on the internet. With much information which is shared on the internet, many people tend to be lazy to analyze deeply all news. Moreover, they do not select information carefully. They just read and share it without using critical thinking. For example, by using social media in responding political issues, users of social media just look for what information accordance with their political preference even though they do not comprehend completely about its information. For example, in Indonesia nowadays or Jokowi reign, Jokowi’s supporters just read and share information about positive activities done by Jokowi without thinking that these actions are not fake news, and Jokowi’s haters do the contrary activities.  At the same time, research conducted by James Old, a Professor at George Mason University, describes that people reading information on social media will be prone to be influenced by information and have emotional character.
However, a book has advantages for people in gaining knowledge. Firstly, by reading the book, readers will get complex information about a topic as authors write it on many pages based on scientific methods so the possibility of getting hoax is less. They collect and analyze data deeply before providing it in the book. Secondly, in healthy view, reading the book will not take a risk for eyes because of less radiation than reading on the internet by using a computer and smart phone.  Finally, having books will give satisfaction for those which have a hobby in collecting books and consider them as part of an interior of house decorations.
In conclusion, although the internet has been a familiar phenomenon in this century, the book is still considered by many people as a unique source to get much knowledge. While development of digital technology is increasing drastically, the book cannot go to extinction.
√Extinction                    (N) = Kepunahan                          √Accordance with      (N) = Sesuai dengan 

√Comprehend                (V) = Memahami                           √Reign                          (N) = Pemerintahan
Riba in Islamic Perspective
Author: Umar

Riba means the excessive fixing interest of loan which is imposed to the lender. Identically, people define usury as the interest from the bank which has the similar meaning to the interest. What makes it similar is because either rent or usury will generate the amount of interest which both are categorized unlawful (haram).
In practical, the interest of the bank is the profit which is proposed to the bank due to their set of services in providing money to the debtors in the term of a productive enterprise. Then the question comes up, what is the difference between the usury and the interest? To answer this question, the definition of interest should be embodied. Lexically, interest is the translation of the word interest meaning the percentage of money lent from a bank. Thus, it can be concluded that both usury and interest need extra reimbursement when the debtors return the money to the bank.
As in the Qur'an letter Al Baqarah verses 275 - 276, Allah SWT states that: "Those who eat (take) usury cannot stand but like the establishment of people who conceded devils because of the pressure of madness. Their situation is that is because they say, actually buying and selling is the same as usury, but Allah has justified the sale and purchase and forbid usury. Those who have reached to him the prohibition of his Lord, then continue to stop (from taking usury), then for him what he has taken first (before coming to ban); And its affairs (up to) to God. The one who returns (taking usury), then that person is the inhabitants of hell; They will abide therein (275). Allah destroys usury and fosters alms. And Allah dislikes every man who abides in unbelief, and always sins (276). "
In the verse, Allah affirms that He forbids usury to be a profit-seeking instrument in socioeconomic activity. However, Allah nourishes alms and justifies buying and selling as one way to gain wealth in a good way. Based on the above description, the Islamic view is very clear that the concept of usury is haram.

Friday 4 March 2016

The Registration Form of MAMMINASATA English Full Day Competition 2016

MAKES as one of the institutions which concentrated on improving the quality of education is going to held the "MAMMINASATA" English Full Day Competition 2016 which is intended as a platform to improve and apply English students as a provision to face the global era.

So, to participate in this event, you can register by filling in the registration form below ...

---------------------- Click and Fill the Registration Form ---------------------------------------

Saturday 5 September 2015

What’s in a name? (Agus putra gowa)

Recently, a horrendous news surprised social media users by the emergence of some unique, silly, and a bit out of mind names. Wether it is intentionally used or not, but their names are really unusual in the societies. Some of them even name themselves  “Tuhan and even syaiton”which raise pro’s and cons’ in the society. This paper will discuss whether or not names psychologically affect the owners’ social life. 

William shakespeare had said “what’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. Shakespeare’s statement probably indicates that name is not really important. The name occasionally does not represent the attitude of the person. Good name does not guarantee that the given name will be in line with the attitude of the owners. It might be true. As we look at the reality, criminals and obviously corruptors in this country have beautiful names. However, their names do not reflect their attitude.

            However, Shakespeare’s statement is not in line with Islam perspective. A name according to Islam, is a pray in which it will bring positive values to the owner. Every Parents will try to give the best name for their children in order to wish their children to be good either in the family or in the society. The use of initial “Muhammad” for example, means the parents aimed to have “Muhammad” character to their children. The use of good names also aimed to develop the children’s self confidence when they are socializing in the societies. 

A research done by Northwestern University experts found that names are much more important than any people thought before. According to those experts, having beautiful names do not only increase one’s confidence but it will also encourage other people to see it positively. David Figlio, the team leader of the research said, “names are like a name/identity card, which introduce and express our spiritual character. The meaning of our name has direct influence towards the attitude and assessment from others”. therefore, to have beautiful names is important to our daily life.

If a kid has a unique or even ridiculous name, then he/she has to be ready to get bullying or mocking by his/her friends. This is happening to one of SMP students in Palembang, south Sumatera. The problem is not about his name, but it is about his father’s. His name is Saiton. Really unique, isn’t it? Due to this name, He feels irritated when his friends mention his father’s name. According to his father, this name was given because his father’s parents did not want his son behave like a devil. His name is a reminder to keep warning him from doing bad things. Therefore, He never change his name eventhouh his son keep complaining. 

  Another unique name is Tuhan. This name raises polemic in the societies, especially the Indonesia Islamic Council (MUI). According to KH Abdusshomad Bukhori, the MUI regional head of East Java, the word “Tuhan” is not compatible to use by a human being and considered disobey the etics of religion. Furthermore, He suggests Tuhan to change his name or add another initial. 

Beside two names above, there are some other names spreading and rising various opinions, such as AntiDandruf, Superman, Royal Jelly, Selamet Dunia Akhirat, Dontworry, Dono Kasino Indro, Entah A, Ultramen, Minal Aidin Wal faidin, Loe Yakin Untung Luganda, and Batman bin Suparman. Whtether those names are true or not, but the emergence of those names have surprised the Social media users. They probably do not care of their names. However, they have to think about how to deal with their children’s complain in the future. 

To sum up, having good or beautiful names is a pray for us. Eventhough some people show different act between their names and the attitude, but the use of beautiful names are able to improve the owners’ confidence and perception of other people. 

Friday 4 September 2015

Global Warming (Rizal)

            Global warming is the continuous rise in warming of the earth’s surface due to the increased level of carbon dioxide gas in the environment. Global warming has become a big issue which need to be solved by the positive initiation of countries all over the world. As gradual increase in the earth temperature calls various threats as well as makes the existence of life hard on this planet. It enhances the gradual and permanent changes in the earth’s climate and thus affecting the nature’s balance.

            Rise in the CO2 level on the earth impacts the human life to a great level through continued heat waves, sudden occurrence of strong storms, unpredictable and unexpected cyclone, damage to ozone layer, floods, heavy rain, drought, lack of food, diseases, death etc. It has been researched that increasing emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere is because of the nonstop burning of fossil fuels, usage of fertilizers, cutting forests, extra use of electricity, gases used in refrigerator etc. According to the statistics, it has been noted that by 2020 global warming may boom its bad effects if it is not taken under control as CO2 emissions are increasing continuously.

            The increasing level of CO2 causes greenhouse effect on the earth in which all the greenhouse gases (water vapour, CO2, methane, ozone) absorbs thermal radiation, which in turn re-radiated to all directions and come back to earth surface causing increase in the temperature of earth surface and lead to global warming.

            In order to stop the life threatening effects of the global warming, we should take a permanent break from all the bad habits causing increase in the CO2 level and other green house gases leading to the green house effect and then earth surface warming. We should stop deforestation, lessen the use of electricity, stop the burning of wood and start new eco-friendly lifestyle.[1]


Wednesday 2 September 2015

The memory of the 1998 crisis came alive (Muhlis)

The movement of rupiah exchange rate is getting more difficult to predict even more worried when the position surpassed the level of 14 thousand per dollar. This Phenomenon is similar to 1998 crisis when rupiah reached 16 thousand per dollar. The signs were started by raising rupiah sharply last week. Thus, it becomes a burden to the jokowi’s administration. Because of it, the writer tries to explain why the currency (Rupiah) is under pressure and getting worse.

the weakening of the exchange rate that was happening the past few days has huge impact on the national economy. Though that pressure is not only happening in indonesia, but also to other currencies.
At least, there are three factors which indonesia’s currency gets worse both internal factor and external factor. First, The currency of a country reflects country’s economic fundamental itself. It means, if the fundamental of a country is bad which marked by economic slowdown, the currency of a country will be depreciated. 

Second, Jokowi’s promises to accelerate the infrastructure are still vague so that market players or inverstors are worried to inverst their share to the company as by investing will support the value of the rupiah. Lastly, investors preferred to cling to the greenback because of the market’s uncertainty.

To avoid the rupiah from depreciating further, The goverment try to look for any way out such as the importance of controlling the exchange rate, maintaining price stability, and cooperating with central bank “BI”. ‘Moreover, efforts to maintain economic growth can be done by keeping the people’s purchasing power and also provide incentives to companies.

In conclusion, by seeing this condition the memory of 1998 crisis will come alive if goverment doesn’t pay attention to overcome rupiah’s unstabilization. One of the best ways is stimulating economy growth. Therefore, dollars can go back to a low and stable level to encourage the competitiveness and stability of the national economy forward

Sunday 30 August 2015

Pak Ogah (Agus putra gowa)

The increasing number of vehicles has led to the increasing amount of traffic jam. In Makassar, the traffic jam phenomenon becomes a commodity for some people. They use the street in order to get money from the street users especially cars. They are Pak Ogah, a group of people who arrange the traffic at intersections or at theT-Junctions. Their help might be meaningful to Some people, however, lots of people feel irritated due to their arrogant treat to deliberately stop the other street users.

Pak Ogah is a so-called term addressed to a group of people who help the street users (mostly cars) to rotate at the intersections or at the T-Junctions. They guide the cars passing the Intersecction and expect to get money from the drivers as a merit of what they have done. Most of them are jobless and dropped out students. Sometimes, Pak Ogah looks helpful because they can arrange the traffic jam at some intersections. On the other words, they help the traffic police in managing the traffic.

However, there are some awkward phenomena of their presence. Pak ogah aimed to get money from the street users. That is why, They tend to prioritize private cars rather than publics or motor bikes. They take across the people who give them money in which it is resulted on the dense of vehicles. Furthermore, Their treat often resulted on more complicated situation. The traffic jam is getting worse. In addition, Pak Ogah often scratch the vehicles whose drivers do not pay any money. Therefore, It is obviously unsettled the societies who have a car.     

On the other hand, the government and police department seem support the presence of pak Ogah. They even provide green waistcoat labelled “Banpol” or Police assistant. According to the Deputy Chief Traffic of Polrestabes Makassar Kompol Idrus Usman, Police department did not provide any waistcoat for pak Ogah. It is originally an initiative from Makassar Local Government. “every district police recruits some people who want to help the police department without any pay”. He said.

This situation raises questions among societies. what are the main responsibilities of the Traffic police? It seems that They empower pak Ogah in managing the traffic. Furthermore, they let them exist on the street. The Government commitment in realizing secure and comfort city is aslo still questionable. We do not see any brilliant approach regarding to this case.

In my opinion, Pak ogah are only poor people who try to survive. They do this job in order to get money for food. They have family to feed, to fulfill daily needs, or to defray their children’s school fee. If they have better job, they will probably leave this activity. Better job will make them more prosperous. It has been the role of Government to guarantee the live of the society. At least, they have job to fulfill their daily needs. Therefore, job fields are really urgent for them.  

To sum up, the phenomenon of Pak Ogah is only a small piece of social problems faced by Makassar. Pak ogah maight bring positive impact to some people, but their negative effects are more. This phenomenon reflects the weakness of police officers in managing the traffic. In addition, It is also presumably the symbol of Government dereliction in terms of people’s prosperity.